The Digital Portfolio and Self-Assessment Essay
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For this assignment, you will create a digital portfolio (composed on a WordPress site) and write a Self-Assessment Essay which will serve as an introduction to your portfolio.
Self-Assessment Essay Length
3-4 Pages
Due Dates
First FULL draft of self-assessment essay (peer review): May 13, 2024
FINAL draft of self-assessment essay: May 15, 2024
First FULL draft of WordPress site: May 15, 2024
FINAL version of portfolio (with self-assessment essay): May 22, 2024
The Digital Portfolio
Assignment Introduction
The Digital Portfolio and Final Self-Assessment Essay are in many ways the most important documents that you’ll create for this class. Assembling the Digital Portfolio will help you to see your progress as a writer over the course of the semester, and the Final Self-Assessment Essay will give you the chance to evaluate that work based on your own criteria as well as the course learning objectives. Plus, you’ll gain hands-on experience with digital technologies and developing a professional website.
Assignment Details
Your Digital Portfolio will be composed on a WordPress site and housed securely on CUNY Academic Commons, a password-protected CUNY server. It will be read by your instructors, some members of the class, and other CCNY faculty and administrators.
Your portfolio must include:
- Your Self-Assessment Essay
- Revised Final Draft of your Language and Literacy Essay
- Revised Final Draft of your Rhetorical Analysis Assignments
- Revised Final Draft of your Researched Essay
Your portfolio may also include additional documents you composed this semester that help demonstrate you’ve met the course learning objectives:
- Earlier drafts of essays
- Examples from homework
- Peer reviews
- Copies of your annotations of course texts
- Copies of the notes you took while reading
Your digital portfolio should be easy to navigate and viewers should be able to find what they are looking for without any interference.
The Self-Assessment Essay
Assignment Introduction
The Self-Assessment Essay is a kind of research paper. Your development as a writer is the subject and your work this semester is your evidence. Your task is to show, with claims and evidence, how you’ve developed as a writer and thinker this semester. Your claims will be statements about what you’ve learned. Your evidence may come in the form of a quote or screenshot of your work or through your retelling of a central learning moment. Your cover letters, homework assignments, and in-class reflections should serve as valuable pieces of evidence and provide you with quote-worthy passages. And you should include in your Portfolio any relevant items that you reference in your Self-Assessment Essay.
Assignment Details
The Self-Assessment Essay answers the question, “To what extent have I achieved the course learning outcomes this semester?” Specifically, your essay should quote and respond to the five course learning outcomes below:
- Examine how attitudes towards linguistic standards empower and oppress language users.
- Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.
- Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing.
- Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.
- Understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences.
Your Self-Assessment Essay should be 750-1000 words. It will not be evaluated on whether or not you have achieved the course learning outcomes, but on how well you demonstrate your understanding of the outcomes that you have achieved and your thoughts about the outcomes that you have not achieved. The assignment provides you with an opportunity to look closely at the work you’ve completed this semester and to assess your strengths and areas of future development as a writer. Instead of explaining one-by-one how you attained each outcome, organize the assessment around important moments of learning, and then draw connections to whatever course learning outcomes are relevant. As always, you are encouraged to personalize the delivery of your essay as you see fit. Thus, you decide the order, tone, style, and language you’ll craft in order to best reach your audience. Embedded images, memes, videos, and screenshots are welcome. You’re also welcome to draw on your “native,” “home,” or “other” languages, literacies, and ways of being as you so choose.
Assessment Rubric
1. How effectively does your Digital Portfolio/PDF:
- present the content so that it is easy to navigate and appropriate for digital audiences
- maintain stylistic consistency from one page to the next
- use color and contrast to make things simple for digital audiences;
- use font and page layout to create a neat, easy-to-read text
2. How effectively does your Final-Assessment Essay:
- make claims about what course learning outcomes you achieved this semester
- identify (if relevant) any areas in which you have not progressed (e.g., because we didn’t spend enough time with them or you feel that you had a strong start in those areas)
- quote and address all of the course learning objectives (even those that you feel we did not spend enough time working on)
- provide evidence (in the form of quoting your own writing and/or retelling specific learning moments) to show how you have achieved our learning outcomes and developed as a writer?
3. Revision
- How effectively and sufficiently have your Phase 1, 2, and 3 assignments been revised and edited?
4. General Requirements
- Were all general requirements for length and due dates met?